Principal Desk


Dr. Anuradha Kumari

Dear Student and Teachers,

You have embarked upon the noble profession of teaching at a time when the world is going through rapid and profound economic, social, and political transformations based on the emerging 'Knowledge Economy,' a system of creating wealth that depends upon the creation and application of new knowledge. Such new knowledge can only be created by educated people with innovative ideas and skills. Producing such manpower with advanced and innovative knowledge and efficient skills depends upon our education system. This necessitates appropriate changes in all the aspects of education, i.e. aims/goals of education, structures and types of academic institutions, curricula and so on. The responsibility of steering our education system and thereby our nation in this direction rests upon your shoulders.


We at Patel B.Ed, College aim at equipping the prospective teachers with knowledge that results in academic expertise, skills that lead to a techno savvy teacher performance, attitudes that gear you towards lifelong learning and pursuit of excellence and last but not the least professional values that will constantly remind you of your commitment and accountability towards the global society.

Taking into consideration the demands of the society from the teaching profession and the vision of Patel B.Ed. College to prepare globally competent teachers with a humane, collaborative and multicultural outlook, I encourage you to create and engage in a collaborative learning environment wherein we all collectively develop as professionals and human beings through formal learning and training as well as through increased interactions.